Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Color. Color. Color.

I am so excited to see vibrant hues coming in strong throughout the summer season.  Now, when I say color, I do not necessarily mean vibrant shades on your walls through paint or bold wallpaper – which for many can be a huge and long term commitment –what I mean, is introducing electrifying color to a more neutral backdrop.  Doing so will give your space a fresh, vibrant look without making such a large investment.

At Posh, we currently have many items in vivid, cheery, and colorful shades.  As clients walk into the store they are immediately drawn to them, which strengthens my belief that we all crave color.  It brightens not only a room, but our spirits as well.

I would advise you to take a more easy going approach to decorating when using vibrant hues.  It is important to purchase pieces you love, as they will almost always end up working in the end.  You should not be afraid to mix more than one color together, if you love it, GO FOR IT.  Sometimes when dealing with brilliant colors, you may have to rebel against the traditional “rules” of decorating.

There are so many ways to add amazing color to a room; you just have to be creative!  The following photos show a wide array of ways to add that perfect color (or colors) to your space.

Mixing the pink flowers in the blue and white vase may not be expected, but it creates a beautiful and original center piece.

Pieces from this collection are also absolutely gorgeous on their own.  The unique pattern and mixture of blue and white would be the perfect pop of exciting color to add to any room.

The above photo features two excellent ways to add that exciting pop of your favorite hues to a space.  Both colorful accent cushions and silk flowers are perfect accessories that will satisfy your need for color.

Gorgeous wall art is the perfect way to add designer drama to a room.  This large poppy print, featuring pinks, reds, yellows, and creams would be an excellent addition to a room that needs that extra spice you desire.

This is one of my FAVORITE pieces that we are featuring in Posh's showroom right now.  The gorgeous green accent chair looks absolutely divine with this beautiful colorful accent cushion.

Who would have thought that a collaboration of green, pink, orange, blue, and yellow would create such an electrifying and gorgeous display?  Rebelling against the "rules" of decorating, we went for it, and absolutely LOVE it, as it satisfies our craving for color.

As you can see, color has the ability to bring a room alive.   There are so many ways to create a beautiful collaboration of color, you just have to go for it!

Have a wonderful day everyone,
